Service Description
Team members provide assessment, treatment and provide optimal person-centred care for older adults presenting with responsive behaviours to meet behavioural, emotional, psychosocial, and physical needs. The team collaborates with patient/family/care partners, as well as community providers, to optimize patient-centred care, improve quality of life, reduce caregiver stress and successfully manage responsive behaviours.
Target Population
Older adults with complex needs and responsive behaviours as a result of neurocognitive disorders (e.g. dementia, delirium), neurological conditions, and/or other psychosocial and medical factors.
How to Refer
- Physicians and Nurse Practitioners
- Community and hospital-based care providers
- Self-referral
Our team includes:
- Clinical Behavioural Response Specialist
- Registered Nurse
- Psychiatrist/Care of the Elderly Physician
Where do I go for my appointment?
Services are provided in the home, long term care, and acute care settings, as well as during transitions in care from one setting to another. Visits may be completed in person, by phone, or using virtual care (OTN).
Sudbury Outpatient Centre
Main Floor, Room M139
865 Regent Street, South
Sudbury, ON
P3E 3Y9